Monday, 26 December 2011

Dec 27th, 2011 -Fat Tuesday

Let's get back on the wagon... 3+ days of Turkey might leave you feeling a little sluggish.

Today's challenge: Complete all 3 Circuits... -Perform with intensity, HR should be elevated throughout. If you must take a break between circuits, perform an ab exercise while you allow your HR to recover.
[of course, warm up, pre-hab, stretching and hydration come first]

#1: Perform 3 times
-Pull ups x 10
-Wall Balls x 10
-Pushups on one leg x 20 (switch legs each set)

#2: 10 minutes minimum. If you're up for it, extend this to 15 min
[Perform circuit as many times as you can]
-Broad Jumps -length of bay and back (see clip below)
-Run stairs (@58)/ Run on incline of >5˚(@57) or skip x 2 min [should be about 4 times to the top of the stairs]

#3: Perform 3 times
-Front Plank x 2 min
-Medicine Ball Catch with Partner x10 [Pass from chest, feet shoulder width, tight core for balance, throw hard with arms and legs, receiver must absorb impact]
-Split Lunge Jumps x 10/side

Finish with Ab Tabata x 3 (20s work/10s rest x 8 reps = 1)

Ab Ideas:
-Dead bug
-Bicycle abs
-passing med ball feet to hands/hands to feet
-Ab roll out
-Planks -front/side/side
-Hanging abs

Friday, 23 December 2011

Hydrant Man

A simple one to fit in on a busy day... you should remember this one even though it's been a while. We're looking at about 30minutes + Abs

Warm up..!! And dynamic stretching /movement prep

 Take it easy (at least a little easy) and try and complete the # of Repetitions

Rounds                   1    2   3   4   5 6   7 8 9 10
Burpees                 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,
Jumping Squats    10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1         (weight 45lbs bar or 95lbs total)
Shoulder Press      10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1         (weight 20-45 lbs each arm)
Hose pull/drag      1   1   1   1  1  1  1  1  1  1         Layout a length of 65, for those that missed s 400 that’s 2
sections.  Pull the lengths in using upper body / then run the hose back out so it’s ready for the next FF
Medicine Ball       10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,
Toss with a

Ab Tabata x 3 rounds

Monday, 19 December 2011

December 19th, 2011 -Fat Santa

Warm up, prehab

(#reps/set = 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...Abs...Abs...Abs...Done)

Box Jumps
Pushups on one leg
Walking Lunges
Frogger x 10 everytime (Waldo can demo for 57)
Pull ups
One arm rows
Wall Ball
Curls for Girls
[extra challenge: Add Split Lunge Jumps Here!]

Tabata Abs x 3!

Stretch, hydrate, try not to eat all the christmas baking. (don't follow my example here)

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Friday, December 15th

First: Find a motivation:

Warm up/Pre-hab


15 min of High Intensity Cardio: [perform #1 @ high intensity, #2 at walk for recovery of one bay length, repeat]
#1)Mountain Climbers x 15
#2)Farmer Carry -2 foam pails the length of the bay or 2 35-40llb weights
[how many can you complete in 15 minutes?]
3 sets of each:

#1)TRX T's & Y's & W's x 15 reps total(video just shows Ts/Ys, see if you can figure out the W's)
#2)Pop push ups with Med Ball x 10 (when you explode up, land hands on a ball, pop back to normal pushup position
#3)Medicine ball front raise x 10
3 sets of each:
#1)Plate Pull Over x 15-20
#2)Bent over row x 10
#3)21's (bicep curls, 7 from bottom to 90˚, 7 from 90˚ to top, 7 with full range of motion)
Tabata Abs x 3! sets

Video References:

Med Ball Front Raise:

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Sunday, Dec 11th

Warm up, pre-hab, stretching.

Part 1 -complete 5 sets
Pop pushups x10
Split Squat Jumps x 10/side
Burpees x 10
Pull ups to max, or min of 5 with assistance (bands/pull up assist)

Part 2 -Down the rack -perform 2x with 60secs rest in between
-Down the rack is starting with the largest weight you can bicep burl for 6 reps. Perform 6 reps, then drop to the next weight down the rack and perform 6 reps. Continue down the rack until you reach 10llbs.

Part 3 -Run hose tower stairs (58) or Treadmill on incline of 10+ for 45 secs, return to apparatus floor for hose pull. Complete as many sets of these 2 exercises as you can in 10 minutes.

Banana Rock -3 x 30reps
Wide knee abs -3 x 40 reps

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

D Shift Challenge! -Dec 8th.

We've been challenged by D shift to complete this workout... it's a good one, not too easy, but it will be fun to have completed it.... and make sure we let them know we completed it. While you're doing it think of some ideas to provide in the return challenge!

Warm up as normal. Have everyone watch the video of the man maker. Or have one person demo it correctly. -Prehab etc. is still mandatory.


Man Maker
Lengths of the bay farmers carry (use 2 class A foam pails)
Wall Balls

At the end of each round carry the sand bag duffle up the tower once at 58, or the inside stairs at 57 twice.

Use 10-20 pound dumbbells for the man makers. If the pails become too much for the farmers carry, choose a couple dumbbells of an appropriate weight as a substitute. 

For the wall balls, use a 16-20# ball to a 10' target.

Not sure exactly how long this will take, but if time permits, tabata core. Pick one movement and stick to it. Also choose a time frame for the work and rest.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Hydrant Person

One more oldie before we get into the new stuff:

Remember Hydrant Man?

You can thank Dylan when you're done.

Rounds                   1    2   3   4   5 6   7 8 9 10
Burpees                 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,
Deadlifts                10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1         (weight 45lbs + bar or 95lbs total) -feel free to add more! -starting point only!
Shoulder Press    10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1         (weight 20-45 lbs each arm)
Hose pull/drag      1   1   1   1  1  1  1  1  1  1         Layout a length of 65, for those that missed s 400 thats 2 sections.  Pull the lengths in using upper body / then run the hose back out so it’s ready for the next FF

Ab Tabata x 2
Hydrate well...


Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Beat the Beast

Warm up:            
            -Pick a piece of cardio equipment, (or skipping)
                        -1 minute at a perceived exertion (PE) of 3-4/10.
                        -2 minutes at a PE of 6-8/10
                        -Continue to alternate 1min/2min as above for
Total of 12 minutes.

This will be high intensity: Limit your rest to 20 seconds between exercises. Pick a Pair, alternate between the two for 6 sets total (2 each)

Deadbug x 20 seconds 3 times OR Bicycle Abs x 45 seconds
Superman x 10

Box Jumps x 10
Split Squat Jumps x 10

*21’s (Bicep curls: 7 reps from bottom of ROM to 90˚. 7 reps from 90˚ to top of ROM. 7 reps from bottom of ROM to top)
Tricep Pushups to Max

Pop pushups x 10
Side Plank x 30 seconds (Do both sides)

Pullups –overhand wide grip: to Max
Tricep Dips x 10

Lying Pullovers with a plate x 10
V-Sit Snap ups x 10

Cool down... hydrate...

Friday, 25 November 2011

Back to the future

Time for a change...

Remember this? Thought we'd ease into this with something different.

Pyramids for Pyros:
Movement Prep exercises.
Warm up (1 min walk/2 min jog-run) x 12 min.
Do each exercise for 10 reps first time through. 9 reps second time…. 8 third time….
(Unless otherwise noted)
Squats (speed, no weight)
Walking Lunges
Bent over Rows
Bicycle Abs -30 Everytime
Curls for girls
Hanging Abs -10 Everytime
Speed skaters -50 Everytime
Link for Speed skaters Demo:
Link for Hanging Abs:
Do as he demos in the first segment, can be done with arms bent in pull up position for increased difficulty (recommended)

Monday, 21 November 2011

Movember 22nd

Chest & Back
Each pair is a superset.
Warm up for 5-15 minutes on bike/treadmill/stepmill/rower, complete pre-hab/movement prep prior to starting.

Wide Grip Overhand Pullups 3 sets x 10 reps {same as above}
T Bar Rows 3 sets of 10 reps {can be performed with no weight -just the 45llb bar}
  • Try out the new pull up assist if you have difficulty with the reps.... a video on how to use it is coming to a website near you me if you are confused about how to make it work for you.
Bent Over Dumbell(DB) Rows 3 sets of 10 reps
One Arm DB Rows 3 sets of 10 reps
Ball Back Extensions 3 sets of 15 reps
One Arm DB Incline Press
*for above, start with both arms at top, bring one arm down and return to start. Alternate sides. Do not perform identical to this video.
Plate Pull overs -you can use a plate for this [45llbs for most]
Flat DB Flys 3 sets x 15 reps
Flat DB Chest Press 4 sets x 10 reps  ****This is a change.... lifting a higher weight, less reps, but one more set!

Banana Rock -3 x 30
Wide knee sit ups -3 x 40
(alternate as a superset.... really concentrate on minimizing your rest periods this time!)

Here are the video references: (note the next button, they are all in one playlist)==================================================

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Movember 18th-21st -days off


If you have time to get to the gym, try the legs again, but if you don't, or you only go once, make sure you get in some time focused on your cardio.

The strength program is coming to an end, so be prepared for some changes! We will be shifting our focus for a little while - if the interest is there, we can return to something similar to the past 12 weeks, but only after some time focused on some different areas.

Chest & Back is coming up next!

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Movember 17th -Shoulders & Arms

Shoulders & Arms:

Shoulders and arms together:
Warmup, Prehab all goes without saying. Remember, the cardio is not a warm should be ready to work fairly hard by the time you take this on. Stretching should be done, body should be warm, as you will have an elevated heart rate during this! -meaning easily >160 by the end (or middle;)

Cardio... if you're up for running outside try the usual sled pull. If it's still slick outside/-15, It's an indoor circuit:

Take the two sandbag duffels and set them at the back of the apparatus floor.
In pairs you will alternate between the two events:
#1 -Stair Climb -run the hose tower stairs, touching everyone up and down. At the top grab the overhead I beam and do one pull up -return to the back of the hall
#2 -Shoulder carry -carry the duffel loaded with a minimum of 30llbs to the front and return -complete this twice

-Switch with the other set of partners. If you are done before the other pair, alternate between sets of abs and burpees

Your version is a little different -same concept, but you will have to pull the quint out of the bay and run the length of the bay while your partner runs on the treadmill: incline of 10 (minimum) and a speed you can maintain for 2 minutes. After two minutes switch places.

Both stations should perform this group of exercises for a minimum of 15 minutes -20 if you like the extra challenge.

Onto Shoulders & Arms: (supersets)

1 Arm Press 3 sets of 10 reps
Lateral Raise 3 sets of 10 reps
Upright BB Row 3 sets of 10 reps 
1/4 Laterals 3 sets of 10 reps 3 sets of 10 reps -don't bring your arms all the way down like this guy - keep them up and move your arms 1/4 of the range
Lying Rear Delt Lifts 3 sets of 15 reps
Wall Ball -with minimal leg bend, pick a lighter weight than usual as this is a shoulder/arm focus today -3 sets of 15
Close Grip Bench Press -3 sets x 10 reps
Skull Crushers, 1 Dumbell per arm, -3 sets x 15 reps -move elbow towards head for increased difficulty
Bench Dips -3 sets x 10 reps
Barbell Curls -3 sets x 10 reps
Alternating Hammer Curls -3 sets x 10 reps
Concentration Curls -2 sets x 6 reps [max weight you can do for 6 reps]
Tabata ABS (not Waldo's version, the real one)

Pick a total ab exercise:
-Bicycle Abs
-Hanging Abs
-Dead bug
-TRX crunches


Work period is 20 seconds, rest is 10 seconds. Total of 8 reps, or 4 minutes.
Perform your chosen exercise during every work period for the entire 4 minutes. Do not switch exercises, we don't want to make this easy ;)

Pick a lower ab exercise
-Leg lifts with weighted med ball between feet
-Roll outs with BB
-Prayer on Ab ball
-Roman chair leg lifts

Follow the same Tabata regime as you did with the first Tabata.

Total of 8 minutes on abs... way to go!

Cool Down, Stretch! Water....

Videos: (all videos will appear in a playlist below, use the next button to tab through to another exercise)  

Movember 14th -Legs

In case you missed it... Legs!

A couple of changes for those who have been on this plan from the beginning. We will be changing up the workout shortly... but first this one has to get a little harder. Note the changes!

Each pair is a superset.
Warm up for 5-15 minutes on bike, complete pre-hab/movement prep prior to starting.

Do legs at least three times before adding sets, as described below from last week. Dont move forward to fast! If in doubt, refer to the legs workout here.
-If you need one more week at 2 sets because you started a little late, take it, but we are all working towards an increase to 3 eventually.
Alternating Fwd Lunges -4 sets x 15 reps/side
Alternating Reverse Lunges -4 sets x 15 reps/side
Pop Squats -4 sets x 10 reps
Wall Balls -4 sets x 15 reps
Hamstring Curls on TRX -3 sets x 15 reps {alternate: see video at end: curls on ball. Increase difficulty by doing one leg only}
Step ups -3 sets x 10 reps/side (for added challenge, drive knee high as you step up)
Deadlift -3 sets x 10 reps
Squats -3 sets x 10 reps

Tabata ABS (not Waldo's version, the real one)

Pick a total ab exercise:
-Bicycle Abs
-Hanging Abs
-Dead bug
-TRX crunches


Work period is 20 seconds, rest is 10 seconds. Total of 8 reps, or 4 minutes.
Perform your chosen exercise during every work period for the entire 4 minutes. Do not switch exercises, we don't want to make this easy ;)

Pick a lower ab exercise
-Leg lifts with weighted med ball between feet
-Roll outs with BB
-Prayer on Ab ball
-Roman chair leg lifts

Follow the same Tabata regime as you did with the first Tabata.

Total of 8 minutes on abs... way to go!

Cool Down, Stretch! Water....


Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Movember 9 -Chest & Back

Chest & Back
Each pair is a superset.
Warm up for 5-15 minutes on bike/treadmill/stepmill/rower, complete pre-hab/movement prep prior to starting.

Wide Grip Overhand Pullups 3 sets x 10 reps {same as above}
T Bar Rows 3 sets of 10 reps {can be performed with no weight -just the 45llb bar}
  • Try out the new pull up assist if you have difficulty with the reps.... a video on how to use it is coming to a website near you me if you are confused about how to make it work for you.
Bent Over Dumbell(DB) Rows 3 sets of 10 reps
One Arm DB Rows 3 sets of 10 reps
Ball Back Extensions 3 sets of 15 reps
One Arm DB Incline Press
*for above, start with both arms at top, bring one arm down and return to start. Alternate sides. Do not perform identical to this video.
Plate Pull overs -you can use a plate for this [45llbs for most]
Flat DB Flys 3 sets x 15 reps
Flat DB Chest Press 4 sets x 10 reps  ****This is a change.... lifting a higher weight, less reps, but one more set!

Banana Rock -3 x 30
Wide knee sit ups -3 x 40
(alternate as a superset.... really concentrate on minimizing your rest periods this time!)

Here are the video references: (note the next button, they are all in one playlist)==================================================

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Movember 6th -Shoulders & Arms

Shoulders & Arms:

Shoulders and arms together:
Warmup, Prehab all goes without saying. Remember, the sled pull is not a warm should be ready to work fairly hard by the time you take this on. Stretching should be done, body should be warm, as you will have an elevated heart rate during this! -meaning easily >160 by the end of your 3rd pull.

Cardio to add into today! -there is a twist today.... (ok, no longer a twist, but we're still doing it...)
-Run Backwards for the first 50% of the run, then finish forwards
-Load the sled. One 45llb plate.
-This is a team run/pull... if someone falls off the pace during their recovery the group can always add a few meters in the parking lot while they wait!
-It's going to be hot. Hydrate before and after! (if you see something from the picture below happen; good. I hope you learned your lesson. Hydrate more next time!)
**Extra challenge: during your non-pull laps, add in the stairs... fire escape at 57 or hose tower at 58**

58: Open Bay doors, Running members will do a lap of the outside and return to the parking lot through the doors. Pulling members will start in the parking lot and pull to the front doors, then return to the parking lot. Do not pull the loaded sled through the bay. Yes, I did feel I had to say that.

57: Running members can complete a lap around the hall, as can the pulling members.

All: Pull for a lap, run for 3 laps (or until it is your turn again).
If more than 4 people are participating, double the weight and have 2 members pull together.
Complete a minimum of 3 pulling laps. Run should be a steady pace but allow some recovery before you pull again.

Onto Shoulders & Arms: (supersets)

1 Arm Press 3 sets of 10 reps
Lateral Raise 3 sets of 10 reps
Upright BB Row 3 sets of 10 reps 
1/4 Laterals 3 sets of 10 reps 3 sets of 10 reps -don't bring your arms all the way down like this guy - keep them up and move your arms 1/4 of the range
Lying Rear Delt Lifts 3 sets of 15 reps
Wall Ball -with minimal leg bend, pick a lighter weight than usual as this is a shoulder/arm focus today -3 sets of 15
Close Grip Bench Press -3 sets x 10 reps
Skull Crushers, 1 Dumbell per arm, -3 sets x 15 reps -move elbow towards head for increased difficulty
Bench Dips -3 sets x 10 reps
Barbell Curls -3 sets x 10 reps
Alternating Hammer Curls -3 sets x 10 reps
Concentration Curls -2 sets x 6 reps [max weight you can do for 6 reps]
Tabata ABS (not Waldo's version, the real one)

Pick a total ab exercise:
-Bicycle Abs
-Hanging Abs
-Dead bug
-TRX crunches


Work period is 20 seconds, rest is 10 seconds. Total of 8 reps, or 4 minutes.
Perform your chosen exercise during every work period for the entire 4 minutes. Do not switch exercises, we don't want to make this easy ;)

Pick a lower ab exercise
-Leg lifts with weighted med ball between feet
-Roll outs with BB
-Prayer on Ab ball
-Roman chair leg lifts

Follow the same Tabata regime as you did with the first Tabata.

Total of 8 minutes on abs... way to go!

Cool Down, Stretch! Water....

Videos: (all videos will appear in a playlist below, use the next button to tab through to another exercise)  

Monday, 31 October 2011

Movember 1st-Legs

Thanks to all those who pointed this out, but I posted Legs a shift early...
But today... Legs!

A couple of changes for those who have been on this plan from the beginning. We will be changing up the workout shortly... but first this one has to get a little harder. Note the changes!

Each pair is a superset.
Warm up for 5-15 minutes on bike, complete pre-hab/movement prep prior to starting.

Do legs at least three times before adding sets, as described below from last week. Dont move forward to fast! If in doubt, refer to the legs workout here.
-If you need one more week at 2 sets because you started a little late, take it, but we are all working towards an increase to 3 eventually.
Alternating Fwd Lunges -4 sets x 15 reps/side
Alternating Reverse Lunges -4 sets x 15 reps/side
Pop Squats -4 sets x 10 reps
Wall Balls -4 sets x 15 reps
Hamstring Curls on TRX -3 sets x 15 reps {alternate: see video at end: curls on ball. Increase difficulty by doing one leg only}
Step ups -3 sets x 10 reps/side (for added challenge, drive knee high as you step up)
Deadlift -3 sets x 10 reps
Squats -3 sets x 10 reps

Tabata ABS (not Waldo's version, the real one)

Pick a total ab exercise:
-Bicycle Abs
-Hanging Abs
-Dead bug
-TRX crunches


Work period is 20 seconds, rest is 10 seconds. Total of 8 reps, or 4 minutes.
Perform your chosen exercise during every work period for the entire 4 minutes. Do not switch exercises, we don't want to make this easy ;)

Pick a lower ab exercise
-Leg lifts with weighted med ball between feet
-Roll outs with BB
-Prayer on Ab ball
-Roman chair leg lifts

Follow the same Tabata regime as you did with the first Tabata.

Total of 8 minutes on abs... way to go!

Cool Down, Stretch! Water....


Saturday, 29 October 2011

Fitness Assessment Cont (& Legs)

Legs today!
I definitely recommend doing this one after your assessment... for those who have already gone, have at it!

Each pair is a superset.
Warm up for 5-15 minutes on bike, complete pre-hab/movement prep prior to starting.

Do legs at least three times before adding sets, as described below from last week. Dont move forward to fast! If in doubt, refer to the legs workout here.
-If you need one more week at 2 sets because you started a little late, take it, but we are all working towards an increase to 3 eventually.
Alternating Fwd Lunges -3 sets x 15 reps/side
Alternating Reverse Lunges -3 sets x 15 reps/side
Pop Squats -3 sets x 10 reps
Wall Balls -3 sets x 15 reps
Hamstring Curls on TRX -3 sets x 15 reps {alternate: see video at end: curls on ball. Increase difficulty by doing one leg only}
Step ups -3 sets x 10 reps/side (for added challenge, drive knee high as you step up)
Deadlift -3 sets x 10 reps
Squats -3 sets x 10 reps

Tabata ABS (not Waldo's version, the real one)

Pick a total ab exercise:
-Bicycle Abs
-Hanging Abs
-Dead bug
-TRX crunches


Work period is 20 seconds, rest is 10 seconds. Total of 8 reps, or 4 minutes.
Perform your chosen exercise during every work period for the entire 4 minutes. Do not switch exercises, we don't want to make this easy ;)

Pick a lower ab exercise
-Leg lifts with weighted med ball between feet
-Roll outs with BB
-Prayer on Ab ball
-Roman chair leg lifts

Follow the same Tabata regime as you did with the first Tabata.

Total of 8 minutes on abs... way to go!

Cool Down, Stretch! Water....


Sunday, 23 October 2011

Oct 24th -Shoulders & Arms -Pre/Post Fitness Assessment -your call!

Shoulders & Arms: -Remember to plan your workout for an appropriate time based on when your fitness assessment is.

Shoulders and arms together:
Warmup, Prehab all goes without saying. Remember, the sled pull is not a warm should be ready to work fairly hard by the time you take this on. Stretching should be done, body should be warm, as you will have an elevated heart rate during this! -meaning easily >160 by the end of your 3rd pull.

Cardio to add into today! -there is a twist today.... (ok, no longer a twist, but we're still doing it...)
-Run Backwards for the first 50% of the run, then finish forwards
-Load the sled. One 45llb plate.
-This is a team run/pull... if someone falls off the pace during their recovery the group can always add a few meters in the parking lot while they wait!
-It's going to be hot. Hydrate before and after! (if you see something from the picture below happen; good. I hope you learned your lesson. Hydrate more next time!)
**Extra challenge: during your non-pull laps, add in the stairs... fire escape at 57 or hose tower at 58**

58: Open Bay doors, Running members will do a lap of the outside and return to the parking lot through the doors. Pulling members will start in the parking lot and pull to the front doors, then return to the parking lot. Do not pull the loaded sled through the bay. Yes, I did feel I had to say that.

57: Running members can complete a lap around the hall, as can the pulling members.

All: Pull for a lap, run for 3 laps (or until it is your turn again).
If more than 4 people are participating, double the weight and have 2 members pull together.
Complete a minimum of 3 pulling laps. Run should be a steady pace but allow some recovery before you pull again.

Onto Shoulders & Arms: (supersets)

1 Arm Press 3 sets of 10 reps
Lateral Raise 3 sets of 10 reps
Upright BB Row 3 sets of 10 reps 
1/4 Laterals 3 sets of 10 reps 3 sets of 10 reps -don't bring your arms all the way down like this guy - keep them up and move your arms 1/4 of the range
Lying Rear Delt Lifts 3 sets of 15 reps
Wall Ball -with minimal leg bend, pick a lighter weight than usual as this is a shoulder/arm focus today -3 sets of 15
Close Grip Bench Press -3 sets x 10 reps
Skull Crushers, 1 Dumbell per arm, -3 sets x 15 reps -move elbow towards head for increased difficulty
Bench Dips -3 sets x 10 reps
Barbell Curls -3 sets x 10 reps
Alternating Hammer Curls -3 sets x 10 reps
Concentration Curls -2 sets x 6 reps [max weight you can do for 6 reps]
Tabata ABS (not Waldo's version, the real one)

Pick a total ab exercise:
-Bicycle Abs
-Hanging Abs
-Dead bug
-TRX crunches


Work period is 20 seconds, rest is 10 seconds. Total of 8 reps, or 4 minutes.
Perform your chosen exercise during every work period for the entire 4 minutes. Do not switch exercises, we don't want to make this easy ;)

Pick a lower ab exercise
-Leg lifts with weighted med ball between feet
-Roll outs with BB
-Prayer on Ab ball
-Roman chair leg lifts

Follow the same Tabata regime as you did with the first Tabata.

Total of 8 minutes on abs... way to go!

Cool Down, Stretch! Water....

Videos: (all videos will appear in a playlist below, use the next button to tab through to another exercise)  

Fitness Assessment

It's Fitness Assessment time...
We start next shift. Oct. 24th. I'll go over details of the assessments first thing in the morning. I'd recommend we be flexible with the workout for the day, as I'm sure no one wants the morning workout to impact their assessment. The plan is to start immediately after truck checks, during the time we'd normally work out. If you'd still like a morning workout and to do the assessment in the afternoon, please let me know. Otherwise, I'd like to suggest that those who are tested in the morning be able to workout in the afternoon.

Testing will begin at 0900 - earlier if I can get set up earlier. Please note: The officers have not signed off on the details of this plan, only the idea of doing the testing over the next two shifts. If you'd like more privacy for your assessment (strength & endurance - Body Comp will always be conducted in private) please let me know and I'll make sure no one is completing their workout during your assessment.

If you don't make a request for a time, they'll be assigned randomly on Monday morning.

Monday Assessment Times:
9:00 -(earlier if time permits)


If anyone prefers to go after dinner, we can. Just say the word. About 30 minutes per assessment, plus a little time to review the results.

See you Monday!

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Oct 16 -Chest & Back

We are doing Chest & Back today....
Have a look at Oct 5th's plan, that's what we are following.

.............Just be thankful it's not a legs day............

Remember after yesterday, hydrate well, and stretch pre and post workout to avoid soreness.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Shoulders & Arms -Oct 13

Shoulders & Arms:

Shoulders and arms together:
Warmup, Prehab all goes without saying. Remember, the sled pull is not a warm should be ready to work fairly hard by the time you take this on. Stretching should be done, body should be warm, as you will have an elevated heart rate during this! -meaning easily >160 by the end of your 3rd pull.

Cardio to add into today! -there is a twist today.... (ok, no longer a twist, but we're still doing it...)
-Run Backwards for the first 50% of the run, then finish forwards
-Load the sled. One 45llb plate.
-This is a team run/pull... if someone falls off the pace during their recovery the group can always add a few meters in the parking lot while they wait!
-It's going to be hot. Hydrate before and after! (if you see something from the picture below happen; good. I hope you learned your lesson. Hydrate more next time!)
**Extra challenge: during your non-pull laps, add in the stairs... fire escape at 57 or hose tower at 58**

58: Open Bay doors, Running members will do a lap of the outside and return to the parking lot through the doors. Pulling members will start in the parking lot and pull to the front doors, then return to the parking lot. Do not pull the loaded sled through the bay. Yes, I did feel I had to say that.

57: Running members can complete a lap around the hall, as can the pulling members.

All: Pull for a lap, run for 3 laps (or until it is your turn again).
If more than 4 people are participating, double the weight and have 2 members pull together.
Complete a minimum of 3 pulling laps. Run should be a steady pace but allow some recovery before you pull again.

Onto Shoulders & Arms: (supersets)

1 Arm Press 3 sets of 10 reps
Lateral Raise 3 sets of 10 reps
Upright BB Row 3 sets of 10 reps 
1/4 Laterals 3 sets of 10 reps 3 sets of 10 reps -don't bring your arms all the way down like this guy - keep them up and move your arms 1/4 of the range
Lying Rear Delt Lifts 3 sets of 15 reps
Wall Ball -with minimal leg bend, pick a lighter weight than usual as this is a shoulder/arm focus today -3 sets of 15
Close Grip Bench Press -3 sets x 10 reps
Skull Crushers, 1 Dumbell per arm, -3 sets x 15 reps -move elbow towards head for increased difficulty
Bench Dips -3 sets x 10 reps
Barbell Curls -3 sets x 10 reps
Alternating Hammer Curls -3 sets x 10 reps
Concentration Curls -2 sets x 6 reps [max weight you can do for 6 reps]
Tabata ABS (not Waldo's version, the real one)

Pick a total ab exercise:
-Bicycle Abs
-Hanging Abs
-Dead bug
-TRX crunches


Work period is 20 seconds, rest is 10 seconds. Total of 8 reps, or 4 minutes.
Perform your chosen exercise during every work period for the entire 4 minutes. Do not switch exercises, we don't want to make this easy ;)

Pick a lower ab exercise
-Leg lifts with weighted med ball between feet
-Roll outs with BB
-Prayer on Ab ball
-Roman chair leg lifts

Follow the same Tabata regime as you did with the first Tabata.

Total of 8 minutes on abs... way to go!

Cool Down, Stretch! Water....

Videos: (all videos will appear in a playlist below, use the next button to tab through to another exercise)