Sunday, 2 March 2014

Mar 3, 2014

Warm up and Prehab as per normal.

Listen to your body and rest where you need too. It is a challenging workout, so all abilities will not be able to complete all components at the same level.

Following your warm up:

Dust off that agility ladder that was purchased last year but hasn't seen much use. It comes in two pieces, they can attach together to give you a longer run. Do this, and set up on an even no slip surface. i.e.: at 88 I think the hallway would work better than the apparatus floor.

*for those of you who picked agility in last weeks choose your own adventure, this is the same! So you should be much more proficient at it this time around. 

Cozy gives a demo in the video below. There are three exercises for you to try. Before you ramp up the intensity, warm up with a run through of stepping in each of the boxes, alternating feet. In other words, run through placing one foot in each box with each step. Do 3 runs of this to get familiar with it.

3 Rounds of each before taking a 30sec. rest and moving onto the next. Repeat this 3 times.

1: Inside / Outside -2 feet per box

2: Side to side -2 feet per box on the way across

3: Lateral -In and Out -2 feet per box

Once completing 3 rounds of this, Try doing the last single leg exercise 3 times on each side.


Strength Ladder:

10 reps, 8, 6, 4, 2
OR, for an extra challenge:
10, 8, 6...8, 10

Pop push-ups
Inverted rows
Box jumps
Single leg lunge in TRX (put back foot in TRX, lunge concentrating on tracking of your front leg)
Hanging Abs
Weighted push-ups - use a plate or medicine ball. It doesn't have to be a lot to be hard!

Finish with 5 km beach run. 

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