Order doesn't matter so much today, as long as you give each station a shot. Get on this quickly, training starts at 1000hrs.
Part 1:
- Treadmill. -Start at incline of 2.0 for 3 minutes @ 4.5miles/hr. Every even minute after increase the speed by 0.5miles/hr, every odd minute after increase the incline by 2. Stop after 16 minutes.
- Pushups -as many as you can in 30 seconds. Try for 40. If you don't make it, try it again.
- Squats -2 sets. light weight on the first set, try for heavy loads at 6 reps for the second set
- Box Jumps -2 sets of 10. Even if the box is low, try and jump as high as possible
- Down the rack bicep curls -2 sets, reps of 6
- Farmer Carry -2 sets -50ft with at least 50llbs
- Plank -low front plank, hold as long as you can. Try for 4 minutes.
- Pull ups -as many as possible. Do this twice with a 2 minute rest in between.
Part 2:
15 min. As many rounds as possible.
- 60 sec of burpees
- Wall ball x 10
- 30 sec of box jumps
- 60 sec of skipping
Part 3:
If you're still a week behind, here's a link: see video. -Credit to Chris Wilson from
Cool Down, Stretch! Water....