Friday, 13 April 2012

Saturday April 14th, 2012 -edging to Chest & Back

It's time. Procrastinating stops today. (this means you Lt with the soft shoes)

Complete pre-hab/movement prep prior to starting.

Part A:
Group 1 -superset
Wide Grip Overhand Pullups 3 sets x 10 reps
T Bar Rows 3 sets of 10 reps {can be performed with no weight -just the 45llb bar}

Group 2 -superset
Bent Over Dumbell(DB) Rows 3 sets of 10 reps
Inverted (or reverse) Rows 3 sets of 10 reps

Group 3 -superset
One Arm DB Incline Press
*for above, start with both arms at top, bring one arm down and return to start. Alternate sides. Do not perform identical to this video.
Plate Pull overs -you can use a plate for this [45llbs for most]

Group 4 -superset
Flat DB Flys 2 sets x 15 reps
Flat DB Chest Press 3 sets x 10 reps

Part B: 20 minutes
Tell me when this gets old.
Rotate between:
-Split Squat Jumps x 15/side
-Skipping x 60 seconds
-Sled Pull x 1 lap (89, running stairs, take some sand with you)
-Med ball Partner pass x 20 (warning! Careful if you're with Waldo, he hasn't seen exercise in 10 weeks and might fall over during this last part)
[does not have to be in order, if no one is free for the partner pass, move on to the next and catch up later]

Part C: Abs
Tabata x 3
The middle Tabata has to be a bridge.

Here are the video references: (note the next button, they are all in one playlist)==================================================

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