Sunday, 4 March 2012

March 5, 2012

Warm up/Prehab

This one is timed...set the timer for 4 sets of 7 min with 90 seconds of rest between each set. Start the timer when you finish your warm up. At the end complete your abs.

Because there the focus here is endurance,  remember when you are picking a weight for Deads and Squats that you aren’t trying to lift a max. Form is very important, prioritize this over speed. Make up for any extra downtime you accumulate on the pushups in this round.

Group 1: Complete as many sets as you can in 7 minutes.
Olympic Squat x 10
Olympic Deadlift x 10
Bosu Pushups x 10 –Flat side up(for increased diff; push up aggressively, bringing dome off the ground during each rep)

Group 2: Complete as many sets as you can in 7 minutes.
Get up/Get down on bosu or ball x 10 (add light weight to increase difficulty)
Reverse Row x 10
Kettlebell swings x 10

Group 3: Complete as many sets as you can in 7 minutes.
60 secs max output on bike or rower
Med ball pass with partner x 10 of first progression, x 20 of second (see progression video, only do the first two stages shown, stop before Bosu)

Group 4: Complete as many sets as you can in 7 minutes.
TRX T's/Y's/W's x 15
Frogger x 20
Rotating Pushup x 10
Banana Rock x 15

Tabata x 3 (20s on, 10 off)

Get up/Get down with Ball

Med ball pass with partner -do first 2 progressions

Reverse Row

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