brachium - arms...
On your 4 off, try and get in 25-45 minutes of cardio at a perceived exertion of 6-7/10 with your choice of activity. Couple that with the weights from below and you'll be ready for Tuesday!
Close Grip Bench Press -3 sets x 10 reps
Skull Crushers, 1 Dumbell per arm, -3 sets x 15 reps -move elbow towards head for increased difficultyBench Dips -3 sets x 10 reps
Barbell Curls -3 sets x 10 reps
Alternating Hammer Curls -3 sets x 10 reps
Concentration Curls -2 sets x 6 reps [max weight you can do for 6 reps]
Choice of TRX Abs OR Traditional
TRX: Do as Superset; 3 sets of the following 3 exercises
-TRX Plank to Pike x 10
-TRX Plank -knees to chest x 10
-TRX Oblique Pendulum x 30 (15/side)
Plank: Front x 45s; Oblique(side) x 45s each
Bicycle abs x 30/side
Med ball Hands to Feet x 10 passes to feet
(complete the demo shown in the video by placing the ball between your feet and extending your legs; on the next crunch motion retrieve the ball from your feet and extend above head in hands)
TRX Pendulum: Click this Link
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