Thursday, 28 July 2011

Long Weekend - Add this to your repetoire

brachium - arms...

On your 4 off, try and get in 25-45 minutes of cardio at a perceived exertion of 6-7/10 with your choice of activity. Couple that with the weights from below and you'll be ready for Tuesday!

Close Grip Bench Press -3 sets x 10 reps
Skull Crushers, 1 Dumbell per arm, -3 sets x 15 reps -move elbow towards head for increased difficulty
Bench Dips -3 sets x 10 reps
Barbell Curls -3 sets x 10 reps
Alternating Hammer Curls -3 sets x 10 reps
Concentration Curls -2 sets x 6 reps [max weight you can do for 6 reps]
Choice of TRX Abs OR Traditional

TRX: Do as Superset; 3 sets of the following 3 exercises
-TRX Plank to Pike x 10
-TRX Plank -knees to chest x 10
-TRX Oblique Pendulum x 30 (15/side)

Plank: Front x 45s; Oblique(side) x 45s each
Bicycle abs x 30/side
Med ball Hands to Feet x 10 passes to feet
(complete the demo shown in the video by placing the ball between your feet and extending your legs; on the next crunch motion retrieve the ball from your feet and extend above head in hands)

TRX Pendulum: Click this Link



Wednesday, 27 July 2011


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Monday, 25 July 2011

FM Crura -Week 3 (legs)

'a pair of elongated masses or diverging bands resembling legs'

Each pair is a superset. Notes on alternatives & video clips are at the end, after the abs.
Warm up for 5-15 minutes on bike, complete pre-hab/movement prep prior to starting.

Alternating Fwd Lunges -2 sets x 20 reps
Alternating Reverse Lunges -2 sets x 20 reps
Pop Squats -2 sets x 10 reps
Wall Balls -2 sets x 15 reps
Hamstring Curls on TRX -3 sets x 15 reps {alternate: see video at end: curls on ball. Increase difficulty by doing one leg only}
Step ups -3 sets x 10 reps/side
Deadlift -3 sets x 10 reps
Squats -3 sets x 10 reps
ABS: (again, a superset)
Banana Rock x 30 reps
Wide Knee sit ups x 40 (10/side + 20 straight)
AB Videos:





Thursday, 21 July 2011

Fortis Maximus - Umerus

umerus - shoulders

*I'll be adding to this over the weekend, likely Sunday night. But below is the base of what we will be covering Monday!

Here is the 4th of the 4 splits for you to learn... while you are on your 4 days off though, feel free to try one of the previous 3 in before returning to do shoulders on Monday....I'd recommend hitting the legs again!

This is another simple one like the arms was... 2 super sets.


1 Arm Press 3 sets of 10 reps
Upright Row 3 sets of 10 reps


1/4 Laterals 3 sets of 10 reps 3 sets of 10 reps -don't bring your arms all the way down like this guy - keep them up and move your arms 1/4 of the range
Lying Rear Delt Lifts 3 sets of 15 reps
Wall Ball -with minimal leg bend, pick a lighter weight than usual as this is a shoulder/arm focus today -3 sets of 15

You will do 3 sets of 2 exercises. Pick one exercise from each group.

Group A:
Bicycle Abs x 30 per side
Front Plank/Side Plank (both sides) 45 seconds each (total of 135secs)

Banana Rock x 30
Group B:
Hanging Abs x 15straight
Hanging Abs x 15 per side
Medicine Ball pass from hands to feet x 30

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Fortis Maximus -Rursus & Armarium

Rursus & Armarium - Back & Chest

There are a lot of videos in this one... so I've put a hyperlink in the text of the exercise, and then listed the videos at the end you might be more likely to need a refresher on. This might seem like a lot to begin with, but watch it once and you'll have it mastered by your second time through.

As with the previous workouts, these should be done as supersets (one set from the first, no rest; one set from the second, no rest; one set from the third, no rest; then start second set of the first)
The first 2 groups have three exercises, the last 2 groups only have two.

Wide Grip Overhand Pullups 3 sets x 10 reps {same as above}
T Bar Rows 3 sets of 10 reps {can be performed with no weight -just the 45llb bar}

Bent Over Dumbell(DB) Rows 3 sets of 10 reps
One Arm DB Rows 3 sets of 10 reps
Ball Back Extensions 3 sets of 15 reps
*Do this on an AB ball instead of the bench, wedge your feet into the weight rack for leverage with your legs straight [body weight only... for now]

*for above, start with both arms at top, bring one arm down and return to start. Alternate sides. Do not perform identical to this video.
Plate Pull overs -you can use a plate for this [45llbs for most]

Flat DB Flys 3 sets x 15 reps
Flat DB Chest Press 3 sets x 15 reps

Banana Rock Abs -3 sets of 30
Bicycle Abs -3 sets of 30

Workout Reference Videos:


Saturday, 16 July 2011

Fortis Maximus -Brachium

brachium - arms...

As we continue on our quest for increased strength, we move to arms.

It's Sunday, and this is a nice Sunday workout... roll up your shirt sleeves, stand in front of the mirror, and pretend everyone is looking at you for a good reason.

As with before:
Activites listed {in brackets} are an alternative to decrease difficulty. The primary activity posted is usually at an advanced level - please select an appropriate level for yourself using {alternatives}. Recommended weight is in square brackets [25llbs] -please also adjust this to your ability.

Our Arms day will be a short day, but at the end you won't be looking for too much more. It is also a day that is easy to add cardio into.
So here is how today looks:

Warm up - Prehab stretching.

Cardio Circuit:
-Lap around hall
-Run to top of stairs and complete your lap of the station (58 station: hose tower; 57 station: stairs to captains office)
-Sled pull with One 45llb plate (58 station: entire long side of hall -east/west; 57 station: length of the west side of the building)
-Complete as many circuits as you can in 20 minutes. Record your goal - we will do it again and try to beat previous records!

Arms: Strength Training:

-Do one set of each exercise before going back to the beginning of part one for your second set.

Part 1:
Close Grip Bench Press -3 sets x 10 reps
-see pic above
Skull Crushers, 1 Dumbell per arm, -3 sets x 15 reps -{move elbow towards head for increased difficulty}
Bench Dips -3 sets x 10 reps

Part 2:
Barbell Curls -3 sets x 10 reps
Alternating Hammer Curls -3 sets x 10 reps

Concentration Curls -2 sets x 6 reps [max weight you can do for 6 reps]
This guy actually starts working out at 0:33seconds

Banana Rock Abs -3 sets of 30
Bicycle Abs -3 sets of 30

Monday, 11 July 2011

Fortis Maximus -Crura

'a pair of elongated masses or diverging bands resembling legs'

Activites listed {in brackets} are an alternative to decrease difficulty. The primary activity posted is usually at an advanced level - please select an appropriate level for yourself using {alternatives}. Recommended weight is in square brackets [25llbs] -please also adjust this to your ability.

Complete each pair of exercises before moving to the next:

  • Alternating Forward Lunges -2 sets x 20 reps [25llbs] {decrease or perform with no weight}
  • Alternating Rear Lunges -2 sets x 20 reps

(if you're not an inflexible muscle head, you should be able to extend your back leg further than this guy!)
  • Pop Squats -2 sets x 10 reps [1-4kg medicine ball] {perform with no weight}
  • Wall Balls -2 sets x 15 reps [10+kg med ball] {decrease to 5-8kg med ball}
-bend knees, use your legs for the wall ball

  • Hamstring Curls on TRX -3 sets x 15 reps {hamstring curls on ab ball -use both legs together}
  • Step ups -3 sets x 10 reps per side [30lbs] {perform step ups with no weight}
-step onto bench, bring body to full upright position

  • Deadlift -3 sets x 10 reps [weight will vary greatly by ability] {Superman's}
  • Squats -3 sets x 10 reps [weight will vary greatly by ability] {Double leg Squats with TRX}
-both exercises should only be performed if you have had proper instruction from a PFT or personal trainer outside of work. If not, use the {alternative} suggestion until you have received this instruction.

ABS: peform once all other exercises are complete
-Complete each exercise once, then return to beginning.
-Total of 3 sets.
  • Hanging Abs -15 reps per set {Sit ups on Bosu} -25 reps per set
  • V-sit snap ups -10 reps per set {Front Bridge} -30 secs per set
  • Dead bug OR Bicycle ABs if ball is in use -45secs per set {Side Bridge} -30 secs per side per set
  • (AB video links are below)
Cool down...
Lots of Hamstring, glute and quad stretching.

Prior to cool down, during warm up, or on another day, ensure you fit in 25-40 minutes of cardio. If combined with todays leg workout, I'd recommend cycling at moderate intensity (perceived exertion of 6-7/10) for 20 minutes with a 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down.

(this can be done faster, with more pace, and with a light -2-5llb weight in your hands for momentum)

(you don't have to watch much more than the first 10 secs... )

Intro to Strength...

Strength Building - A New Approach...

Most workouts to date have focused on building some strength with an anaerobic cardio component to them. If we want to continue to challenge our bodies, it's important to modify your training program and goals periodically. The change I'm offering will do this - we will spend the approximately 6 weeks focusing on strength building before re-evaluating where we want our fitness programs to take us. Please ask any questions or provide feedback and criticisms you may have so this program can benefit everyone the most.

Strength building is important for all athletes: increase in muscle will increase ability to burn fat for weight loss; while it will also allow for more power to be generated during endurance activities which mimics the conditions we see at work.

The post below is where we will start with our strength building... how far you take it is up to you.


Saturday, 9 July 2011

Welcome to B Shift's Workouts...

Here's something to aspire too...

Mike Sullivan has had success posting A-Platoon's workouts on a blog, and I am going to try the same thing. I'll be trying to post them further ahead so you can have a look before 8am on the day you plan to do the workout.

I will also be attempting to create a more structured/goal oriented plan to how the workouts are laid out, and why specific exercises are incorporated.

With Steve in mind, the next 6 weeks will be more focused on strength building activities. Cardio and endurance training is still important, and will still play a role, but with the summer here, I hope everyone is getting more cardio in on their days off then we do in the winter... the opportunities are definitely there!

The first workout will be posted shortly!