Monday, 20 October 2014

Oct 21, 2014

Sorry, just plain old ran out of time. I'll try harder. 

If you're lucky there might be a new one here by morning. 

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Oct 16, 2014

Warm up, prefab etc.

-Start with Tabata on bike/rower when you are warm:
20s work: 10s recovery x 8

(#reps/set = 10...9...8...7...6...a second tabata!...Abs..Done)
It's not a full pyramid, so make sure the intensity stays high.

Push ups on ab ball
Inverted Row on TRX
Box Jumps (increased difficulty: land on bosu)
Hamstring curls on ball or TRX
Hammer Curls/Bicep Curls (alternate between the two on each round)
T-Bar Row
Incline push-ups on TRX or Archer push-up in trx for increased diff.
Cross Body Plate Drive
Pop Squats
Concentration curls

3 sets:
Banana Rock x 30
Wide Knee abs x 40


Sunday, 12 October 2014

Oct 13, 2014

Warm up, pre-hab

Do 7 reps of each exercise with no rest. Rest up to 1-2 min between rounds, do 7 rounds.

 Bent over row or pull up
 RDL (Romanian Dead lift)
 Front squat
 Push Press and Triceps Extensions at top
 Alternating Reverse Lunge
 Weighted burped (holding a weight, eliminate the jump)
 Ab Roll Outs

Saturday, 4 October 2014

October 5th, 2014

Set a timer for 20min. Count down... 10 reps on the first round, 9 on the second, etc. If you make it to 1 rep before you get to 20min, start working back up.

10 burpees
10 weighted squats (not looking for heavy weights, it's a lot of reps.

10 renegade rows 
10 banana rock
10 push ups 

Core. You pick. But spend at least 15 minutes on this.

Cool Down.

Hydrate. Recover. Do it again tomorrow morning.