Monday, 30 June 2014

July 1st, 2014


For real, be really warmed up, no short cuts, do your kettle bell swings and air squats etc. to get ready for this.

These can be done as a superset.

This set of strength should take about 20 minutes, when you're done, move straight into the met-con. for another 20 minutes. I know it's Monday, so if you have to, leave the core for the afternoon or Tuesday morning.

2 sets of 8-10 reps
1 set of 6 reps, increased load, form must still be perfect.

2 sets of 8-10 reps
1 set of 6 reps, increased load, form must still be perfect.

Next Superset.

Hammer Curls
3 sets of 6-8 -increased load to make the 6-8 range the most you can do for that round.

Diamond Pushups
3 sets of MAX.

Set the timer for 20 minutes.

Start with 10 reps. Count down to 1.

Box Jumps.
Pop Pushups.
Stick up with Wall sit.
Mountain Climbers.
TRX T's/Y's/W's.

If you have time at the end of 20, it's your option to do a Tabata on the bike or count back up.


If you'd like to watch these in a video click here.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

June 26, 2014


For real, be really warmed up, no short cuts, do your kettle bell swings and air squats etc. to get ready for this.

These can be done as a superset.

This set of strength should take about 20 minutes, when you're done, move straight into the met-con. for another 20 minutes.

2 sets of 8-10 reps
1 set of 6 reps, increased load, form must still be perfect.

2 sets of 8-10 reps
1 set of 6 reps, increased load, form must still be perfect.

Next Superset.

Hammer Curls
3 sets of 6-8 -increased load to make the 6-8 range the most you can do for that round.

Diamond Pushups
3 sets of MAX.

Set the timer for 20 minutes.

Start with 10 reps. Count down to 1.

Box Jumps.
Pop Pushups.
Stick up with Wall sit.
Mountain Climbers.
TRX T's/Y's/W's.

If you have time at the end of 20, it's your option to do a Tabata on the bike or count back up.


If you'd like to watch these in a video click here.

Sunday, 22 June 2014

June 23, 2014

No more slacking. You didn't have a baby did you?

Warm up, Pre-hab. Movement Prep.


Your choice of any 2 sets of 2 compound exercises.

(ie: Squats and Deads, Bench Press and Rows)

It's best to ignore the socks on the video demo. Don't get too upset with him. Just enjoy how hard it is to keep up to him.

Set your timer for 20 seconds of work with a 10 second transition. Repeat this entire set six times.

Start on your weak side.
#1. Box Step Up (weak side)
#2. Bulgarian Split Squat (weak side)
#3. Box Step Up (strong side)
#4. Bulgarian Split Squat (strong side)
#5. Tricep Extension On Bench (Dips on squat rack for increased difficulty - don't do dips on the bench)
#6. Burpees (add box jump for increased difficulty)

Again, your choice.

Video References:

Monday, 9 June 2014

June 10, 2014

I hope you didn't miss this post on professional level post-game interviews.

Now that that's over:
Click Here for Today's Workout

Warm up.


3 sets; 6-10 reps each. For body weight, go for higher ranges, for weighted, add weight so you can only do 6ish.
Do each pair as a superset.

Stability Ball Push-ups.
TRX Row OR Bent Over BB Row

Lateral Squats (Rainbow, yes, Rainbow)
Step up (onto box) with knee drive

Ladder Drill:
Do the first two 3 times each. You'll have to watch the video for it.

Met Con:
Timer for 20 minutes:
Start at 10 reps, work down to 1 rep. If you're a real beast count back up towards 10 with any extra time you have because you were so awesome. Remember form over speed as always, and listen to your body.


If you'd like to watch these in a video click here.

Friday, 6 June 2014

June 7th, 2014

Click here for today's workout.

Warm up.

3 Rounds.

Box Jumps x 10
Squats x 6-10
Pop Push ups x 10 OR Archer Pushups x 10
Pull Ups x 10

Down the Rack x 2.


Set a timer for 30 seconds of work with a 10 second transition. Repeat this entire set four times.

Jump Rope (x 30s)
Wall Sit Stick Up (x 30s)
Burpee (x 30s)
Good Morning(x 30s)
Get Up(x 30s)
DB Bent Over Row(x 30s)
{more embedded videos are after the core, or click the links above}
Low plank with rotation
High Oblique Plank with leg tuck
High Low Plank Drill
Around the world
Hanging tow to bar
Jump Tucks
Cable Chop
Sit up with Trunk rotation
Stability ball Iso Tuck

Video References:

Sunday, 1 June 2014

June 2, 2014


For real, be really warmed up, no short cuts, do your kettle bell swings and air squats etc. to get ready for this.

These can be done as a superset.

This set of strength should take about 20 minutes, when you're done, move straight into the met-con. for another 20 minutes. I know it's Monday, so if you have to, leave the core for the afternoon or Tuesday morning.

2 sets of 8-10 reps
1 set of 6 reps, increased load, form must still be perfect.

2 sets of 8-10 reps
1 set of 6 reps, increased load, form must still be perfect.

Next Superset.

Hammer Curls
3 sets of 6-8 -increased load to make the 6-8 range the most you can do for that round.

Diamond Pushups
3 sets of MAX.

Set the timer for 20 minutes.

Start with 10 reps. Count down to 1.

Box Jumps.
Pop Pushups.
Stick up with Wall sit.
Mountain Climbers.
TRX T's/Y's/W's.

If you have time at the end of 20, it's your option to do a Tabata on the bike or count back up.


If you'd like to watch these in a video click here.