Thursday, 29 May 2014

May 29, 2014

Click Here for Today's Workout

Pre-hab, Warm up

Set your timer for 20 minutes. Do the following exercises: (As Many Rounds as Possible -AMRAP) (Videos are clickable links and embedded below)

10 Burpees
10 Renegade Rows (total)
10 Lateral Lunge (total)
10 Mountain Climbers (per leg) 10 DB Squats
Cool down


If you'd like to watch these in a video click here.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

May 25, 2014

Warm up.

This is a count down set. Start with 5 reps of each exercise. Rest 30 seconds to one minute, then do 4 reps of each exercise. Continue to 1 rep of each. If you’re a beast, count back up to 5 (and go heavier next time out).
Do these exercises:
 Front squat
 Romanian Dead Lift
 Bent over row
 Ab roll out
 Push up on floor
 Sit outs (per side)

If you're unsure of any of the above, there is a video at the end that is only 2.5min and goes through the whole set once.

If sit outs is the only new one for you, here it is: (13 seconds)

Don't forget to look below the video for the core component!


If you'd like to watch these in a video click here.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

May 22, 2014

Warm-up, Pre-hab.

Push n Pull (Ladder set)

Do 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 reps of the following: 
  •   Pull up 
  •   Push up on bar 
  •   Reverse Lunge
  •   Front squat 
  •   Ab roll out 
  •   Skipping x 60 sec - this is not a rest! If you can't skip, do weighted burpees.
    Rest as little as possible between sets 
As many rounds as possible in 5 min. 
-From standing, bend, walk into a plank.
-From High Plank, 10 Cross body Mountain climbers -walk hands back to standing.
-Walk hands back to plank; Pushups x 10, walk hands back to standing.
-Walk hands back to plank; Plank Jacks x 10

Burpees. As many as you can in 2 minutes.
See the video below for more details on these exercises.
Repeat this at least once.

Well done.

Friday, 16 May 2014

May 17, 2014

If any links don't work in the email, click here.

The format of the next few workouts will follow a similar format to today.

Prehab/warmup will be as you normally complete. Followed by some basic strength building components that will take about 20min. This will be followed by about a 20min met-con session that will require high intensity for a short period of time - the basis of the program we will follow comes from a Calgary based trainer who specializes in this style of workout -Shawna Kaminski. If you don't think it involves enough "lifting" Cozy, just try and keep up to her.

This is especially beneficial for boosting metabolism, helping in burning calories and increasing VO2 - so if any of those benefits are in your list of fitness goals, make sure you don't skimp on the effort level for this section of the workout.

The Core component will follow at the end and be a review of the "Crunchless Ab" program that was completed before Christmas.

On to today's workout:

Warm up.

3 Rounds.

Box Jumps x 10
Squats x 6-10
Pop Push ups x 10 OR Archer Pushups x 10
Pull Ups x 10

Down the Rack x 2.


Set a timer for 30 seconds of work with a 10 second transition. Repeat this entire set four times. Next time I'll post better instructions on how to set the timers. Until then, there's an app for that.

Jump Rope (x 30s)
Wall Sit Stick Up (x 30s)
Burpee (x 30s)
Good Morning(x 30s)
Get Up(x 30s)
DB Bent Over Row(x 30s)
{more embedded videos are after the core, or click the links above}
Low plank with rotation
High Oblique Plank with leg tuck
High Low Plank Drill
Around the world
Hanging tow to bar
Jump Tucks
Cable Chop
Sit up with Trunk rotation
Stability ball Iso Tuck

Video References:

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

May 14, 2014

If any links don't work in the email, click here.

The format of the next few workouts will follow a similar format to today.

Prehab/warmup will be as you normally complete. Followed by some basic strength building components that will take about 20min. This will be followed by about a 20min met-con session that will require high intensity for a short period of time - the basis of the program we will follow comes from a Calgary based trainer who specializes in this style of workout -Shawna Kaminski. If you don't think it involves enough "lifting" Cozy, just try and keep up to her.

This is especially beneficial for boosting metabolism, helping in burning calories and increasing VO2 - so if any of those benefits are in your list of fitness goals, make sure you don't skimp on the effort level for this section of the workout.

The Core component will follow at the end and be a review of the "Crunchless Ab" program that was completed before Christmas.

On to today's workout:

Warm up.

3 Rounds.

Box Jumps x 10
Squats x 6-10
Pop Push ups x 10 OR Archer Pushups x 10
Pull Ups x 10

Down the Rack x 2.


Set a timer for 30 seconds of work with a 10 second transition. Repeat this entire set four times. Next time I'll post better instructions on how to set the timers. Until then, there's an app for that.

Jump Rope (x 30s)
Wall Sit Stick Up (x 30s)
Burpee (x 30s)
Good Morning(x 30s)
Get Up(x 30s)
DB Bent Over Row(x 30s)
{more embedded videos are after the core, or click the links above}
Low plank with rotation
High Oblique Plank with leg tuck
High Low Plank Drill
Around the world
Hanging tow to bar
Jump Tucks
Cable Chop
Sit up with Trunk rotation
Stability ball Iso Tuck

Video References: