Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Wed, Feb 26, 2014 -Speed vs Strength

Warm up and Prehab as per normal.

Your choice on how this progresses. The bulk of the workout is the same, but the first part, you can choose between strength and agility.

Listen to your body and rest where you need too. It is a challenging workout, so all abilities will not be able to complete all components at the same level.

Following your warm up:

Strength Option:

3 sets of 8-10 reps. Alternate between the two exercises.


Agility Option:
Dust off that agility ladder that was purchased last year but hasn't seen much use. It comes in two pieces, they can attach together to give you a longer run. Do this, and set up on an even no slip surface. i.e.: at 88 I think the hallway would work better than the apparatus floor.

Cozy gives a demo in the video below. There are three exercises for you to try. Before you ramp up the intensity, warm up with a run through of stepping in each of the boxes, alternating feet. In other words, run through placing one foot in each box with each step. Do 3 runs of this to get familiar with it.

3 Rounds of each before taking a 30sec. rest and moving onto the next. Repeat this 3 times.

1: Inside / Outside -2 feet per box

2: Side to side -2 feet per box on the way across

3: Lateral -In and Out -2 feet per box

Once completing 3 rounds of this, Try doing the last single leg exercise 3 times on each side.

All together now:
  1. Choose a weight that you can use for ALL exercises. Try not to put the DB’s down throughout the set. Time your workout, match the time with increased load the next time out. 

    Do 6 reps of each:

    •   Push up cross body mountain climber 
    •   ManMaker
    •   Reverse lunge (do both sides)
    •   Pull ups

  2.   Plank on elbows -lift alternating legs, 6 per side

    Do 6 rounds 

    -Low Plank with Rotation: 10-15 Reps
  3. -High Oblique Plank w/Leg Tuck 10-15 reps
  4. -High Low Plank Drill -30-45sec
  5. -Around the World
  6. -Hanging knees to elbows
  7. -Jump tucks 10-15 reps
  8. -Windmill x 10
  9. -Woodchop x 10-15
  10. -Weighted decline crunch
  11. -Stability ball prone iso tuck (one leg) 10-15 reps

Friday, 14 February 2014

Sat, Feb 15, 2014

Hydrate. Pre-hab. Warm up.

Transition from your warm up to a Tabata. Pick your own piece of equipment, but keep in mind that generally, most of us are best able to push the hardest on the bike.
(bike, treadmill, rower are your options).
20 seconds hard, 10 seconds of recovery.

Strength Focus: (supersets)

3 sets, 6-8 reps.


3 sets, 10 reps.

Rotating Pushups *
Bicep Pull up
Archer Pushup

*aka Open to sky Pushups (where after pushing up, alternate raising one arm to being vertical above your horizontal body)

Now that you're good and warm and caught up on all the gossip, buckle down for the last 25 minutes as it should be difficult to talk during this part.

As many rounds as possible, set a timer for 20-25 minutes depending on how much time you have left and how hard you want to go.

10 reps of each: (more description is below)

Spiderman Pushup
Plank Jacks
Ab Roll out
High Pull
Bent Over Row
Hanging Abs
Push Press

Hydrate, cool down. Re-fuel. Do the second component again Sunday morning.

Spiderman Pushup: on bar, pushup, then drive knee to elbow, then repeat pushup
Plank Jacks: High Plank position, feet together, pop feet off the ground to wider than shoulder width, then return to neutral

High Pull: From standing position with a bar in your hands, imagine marionette strings attached to your elbows drawing the weight up in the air, until the bar is near your clavicle. This is an explosive movement, and requires core strength/contraction for stability and adds a small dip from the knees with extension of the gastroc (calf) to finish the movement.

Push Press: with the bar at shoulders, press overhead. Again, an explosive movement, propelled by a dip of the knees and driving the bar overhead.

If you are uncomfortable with any of these, replace with an alternative. Seek coaching from Waldo or myself, and we can provide options for you.

High Pull can be replaced with Inverted Rows.
Push Press can be replaced with seated shoulder press.

Thanks for coming out.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Friday, Feb 7th, 2014

Warm up.

Tabata on the bike. (8 rounds, 20s HARD: 10s Recovery)

3 Rounds of the Following: *(This can also be done as an AMRAP -set the timer for 30 minutes, see how many rounds you can complete -this is what I'd recommend for a bigger challenge)

Farmer Carry -2 arms x 50yards
Box Jumps x 10
Pull ups x 8
Farmer Carry -1 arm x 50yards -repeat on opposite side
Ab Roll Out x 6
Hammer Curl x 4-6 (heavy weight)
Wall Ball x 6
Pop Pushups x 8
TRX Archer Row x 10 (Chest Press with DB's, or Chest Press with DB's on Ball works too)
Mountain Climbers x 30

Pick 3 core exercises.

Do 3 tabata's of 20:10 (this should take 12 minutes).

Hydrate.... fuel.... etc.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Superbowl Sunday Feb 2nd, 2014

Superbowl. I'm sure you're planning to eat crap today, so try your best not to skimp on the workout. You can't cover it all, but you can sure try.

Warm-up, Pre-hab.

Pick any one of the workouts we've done in the past month, or try this new one on below. Whatever you do, don't skip the core at the end. The core today should be as listed below. It will be a good challenge.

Push n Pull (Ladder set)
Do 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 reps of the following:
  •   Pull up 
  •   Push up on bar
  •   Reverse Lunge
  •   Front squat
  •   Ab roll out
  •   Skipping x 60 sec - this is not a rest! If you can't skip, do weighted burpees.
    Rest as little as possible between sets 
As many rounds as possible in 5 min. 
-From standing, bend, walk into a plank.
-From High Plank, 10 Cross body Mountain climbers -walk hands back to standing.
-Walk hands back to plank; Pushups x 10, walk hands back to standing.
-Walk hands back to plank; Plank Jacks x 10

Burpees. As many as you can in 2 minutes.
See the video below for more details on these exercises.
Repeat this at least once.

Well done.