Wednesday, 27 February 2013


Activites listed {in brackets} are an alternative to decrease difficulty. The primary activity posted is usually at an advanced level - please select an appropriate level for yourself using {alternatives}. Recommended weight is in square brackets [25llbs] -please also adjust this to your ability.

Complete each pair of exercises before moving to the next:
  • Deadlift -3 sets x 10 reps [weight will vary greatly by ability] {Superman's}
  • Squats -3 sets x 10 reps [weight will vary greatly by ability] {Double leg Squats with TRX}
  • Alternating Forward Lunges -2 sets x 20 reps [25llbs] {decrease or perform with no weight}
  • Alternating Rear Lunges -2 sets x 20 reps
  • Pop Squats -2 sets x 10 reps [1-4kg medicine ball] {perform with no weight}
  • Wall Balls -2 sets x 15 reps [10+kg med ball]  {decrease to 5-8kg med ball}
-bend knees, use your legs for the wall ball

  • Hamstring Curls on TRX -3 sets x 15 reps {hamstring curls on ab ball -use both legs together}
  • Step ups -3 sets x 10 reps per side [30lbs] {perform step ups with no weight}
-step onto bench, bring body to full upright position

ABS: peform once all other exercises are complete
-Complete each exercise once, then return to beginning.
-Total of 3 sets.
  • Hanging Abs -15 reps per set {Sit ups on Bosu} -25 reps per set
  • V-sit snap ups -10 reps per set {Front Bridge} -30 secs per set
  • Dead bug OR Bicycle ABs if ball is in use -45secs per set {Side Bridge} -30 secs per side per set
  • (AB video links are below)
Cycling or rowing if you're doing this right after the weights. The weights may use most of your time and you'd be better off to return in the evening or tomorrow morning to fit in the cardio.

Here is an interval workout for the treadmill.

Intervals are in sequence of 
Recovery : Work at 7/10 : Work at 9/10
60 sec : 30 sec : 30 sec
So you are walking/joggin x 60 sec
Running at a 7/10 for 30 sec
Running at a 9/10 for 30 sec.

Repeat 7 times.

Cool down...
Lots of Hamstring, glute and quad stretching.

(if you're not an inflexible muscle head, you should be able to extend your back leg further than this guy!)

(this can be done faster, with more pace, and with a light -2-5llb weight in your hands for momentum)

(you don't have to watch much more than the first 10 secs... )

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