Warm up, Pre-hab, Movement Prep are still a must.
When you're ready for action follow what is listed below, completing the cardio at the end. No dilly dallying between sets! You can rest on the next exercise -these are meant to be supersets. There will be lots of time for the cardio at the end.
Part 1:Close Grip Bench Press -3 sets x 10 reps-see pic aboveSkull Crushers, 1 Dumbell per arm, -3 sets x 15 reps -{move elbow towards head for increased difficulty}Bench Dips -3 sets x 10 reps
Part 2:Barbell Curls -3 sets x 10 repsAlternating Hammer Curls -3 sets x 10 repsConcentration Curls -2 sets x 6 reps [max weight you can do for 6 reps]ABS:Banana Rock Abs -3 sets of 30Bicycle Abs -3 sets of 30You'll have to stagger yourselves for the cardio if everyone wants a treadmill.... Be creative and consider adapting this to the bike or running the hose tower as well.Intervals:5 Repetitions -60 sec recovery (this can be a walk if needed)2 min of sustained 8/10 exertion -target something close to your top speed, but not a sprint, and you must maintain it for 2 min.Add 5 minutes of slow steady warm up, and a good 5 min of cool down - you'll be bagged if you push yourself on this and don't coast. Hydrate well and recovery will be quick.I don't think you'll need help adapting this to the bike or rower.If you want to use the stairs, try this variation.Run the stairs, quickly, but make yourself touch every stair on the way up and down. Time yourself- at the top, for the same amount of time do Split Lunge Jumps. Walk back down the stairs for your recovery. Depending on the hall, your work:rest ratio may be off, but ideally, try for a 2:1 work:rest ratio.Good Luck!
Part 2:Barbell Curls -3 sets x 10 repsAlternating Hammer Curls -3 sets x 10 repsConcentration Curls -2 sets x 6 reps [max weight you can do for 6 reps]ABS:Banana Rock Abs -3 sets of 30Bicycle Abs -3 sets of 30You'll have to stagger yourselves for the cardio if everyone wants a treadmill.... Be creative and consider adapting this to the bike or running the hose tower as well.Intervals:5 Repetitions -60 sec recovery (this can be a walk if needed)2 min of sustained 8/10 exertion -target something close to your top speed, but not a sprint, and you must maintain it for 2 min.Add 5 minutes of slow steady warm up, and a good 5 min of cool down - you'll be bagged if you push yourself on this and don't coast. Hydrate well and recovery will be quick.I don't think you'll need help adapting this to the bike or rower.If you want to use the stairs, try this variation.Run the stairs, quickly, but make yourself touch every stair on the way up and down. Time yourself- at the top, for the same amount of time do Split Lunge Jumps. Walk back down the stairs for your recovery. Depending on the hall, your work:rest ratio may be off, but ideally, try for a 2:1 work:rest ratio.Good Luck!
This guy actually starts working out at 0:33seconds
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