Thursday, 30 August 2012

Friday Aug 31, 2012

Warm-up, pre-hab etc.

We're starting today similar to last shift:
Pick a piece of cardio equipment: Bike/Treadmill/Rower
Tabata #1:
20s hard! (hard enough that if you had to go 21s you wouldn't be able to) 10s recovery. Repeat 8 times. (4 minutes of work)
Tabata #2:
On a different piece of equipment, do the same thing.

Push yourself on this, both in the effort during the work period, and by not taking a break longer than 2 minutes between Tabata's.

Now the rest: -there will be some partner exercises today, so work together with someone of similar size/strength, watch the videos first, as it will speed up how fast you catch on.

Group #1: 3 sets, 10 reps each

Group #2: 3 sets, 10 reps each
Group #3: 3 sets, 10 reps each
  • Deadlifts
  • Squats (89 will have to use DB's)
  • Cleans

Group #4:
Ab Intervals:

  • Frogger- As many reps as you can in 30 seconds. Recover for 10s, try and beat your number on the next one. 4 sets of this.
  • Russian Twist x 40 per side
  • Bridges: Front, then both sides. Hold each for 45s then rotate to the next. Hit each side/front 4 times.

Group #5:
Finish with 2 sets of max pull ups (or for 89, max inverted rows)

Cool down, hydrate

The links might not show up in the email, and it's getting close to that auto post time again, so visit the site to see the completed workout.


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