Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Happy New Year

Christmas almost snuck past us and we almost missed this one....

Don't worry, it's never too late for the 12 Days of Christmas. This one goes just like the song...
On the 1st day....(one rep) on the 2nd day.... (2 reps, then 1 rep of the first exercise) etc.

Thanks to Dylan for making sure it wasn't left out:

Warm up, do your pre-hab.

Part 1
10 push ups
10 sit ups
10 squats


1 Battle Ropes - 10s alternating, 10s double, 10s alternating. Find a safe secure anchor - this may have to be on the apparatus floor, and must not damage the rope or the anchor. Consider using the sled with a full load of 45llb plates -but be mindful of potential damage to the floor.
2 dips -use the Squat rack attachment, not the bench, it's better for your elbows
3 chest to deck burpees
4 pull-ups (or jumping pull ups)
5 Sit ups
6 push-ups
7 squats -can be air or med ball, front or back. in later rounds especially make sure form is perfect.
8 Walking lunges with plate overhead (each step = 1)
9 step ups
10 wall balls
11 kettlebell swings
12 Man makers

*This workout is done just like the song….Round 1 = 1 Sled Drag, Round 2 = 2 Dips and 1 sled drag, Round 3 = 3 burpees, 2 dips and a sled drag ….etc. Go until all 12 rounds are complete.

Core. Return to Week 3's core posted last shift. This will be the last time for it.

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Dec. 29th -Sun -"6x6"

Warm up and Prehab as per normal.

This will begin with a strength component, followed by a high intensity 20 min anaerobic/strength session. This will likely be too hard for the likes of Waldo, but everyone else should be fine. Waldo can stick to his curls for girls.
The conclusion will be some core work and a cool down. All in, if you don't spend too much time between exercises, should be around 45 minutes.

Listen to your body and rest where you need too. It is a challenging workout, so all abilities will not be able to complete all components at the same level.

Following your warm up:

3 sets of 8-10 reps. Alternate between the two exercises.


Yep. That's it for now.

Next up, from Shawna Kaminski's Challenge Complexes: (with a few modifications)

  1. Choose a weight that you can use for ALL exercises. Try not to put the DB’s down throughout the set. Time your workout, match the time with increased load the next time out. 

    Do 6 reps of each:

    •   Push up cross body mountain climber
    •   ManMaker
    •   Reverse lunge (do both sides)
    •   Pull ups

  2.   Plank on elbows -lift alternating legs, 6 per side

    Do 6 rounds 

    -Low Plank with Rotation: 10-15 Reps
  3. -High Oblique Plank w/Leg Tuck 10-15 reps
  4. -High Low Plank Drill -30-45sec
  5. -Around the World
  6. -Hanging knees to elbows
  7. -Jump tucks 10-15 reps
  8. -Windmill x 10
  9. -Woodchop x 10-15
  10. -Weighted decline crunch
  11. -Stability ball prone iso tuck (one leg) 10-15 reps

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Dec 16, 2013

Pre-hab, warm up. 

There are three parts to this. 
First, some strength focus: once warm lift for weights that are challenging to you at lower reps. 
Second a high intensity combination of complexes: the weight should be lighter and the form needs to be impeccable. 
(Jeff, That means very good)
Some movements require a lot of focus and core stability, and if you can't maintain this drop them from the rotation. 
Third: core focus, the last 20 minutes. 

So, part 1: Strength
This ones for Tink & Waldo:

10 push-ups. 
10 burpees. 

3 sets:
-BB Bench press x 8 reps
-Inverted Row x 8 reps (add a plate to your waist if this is too easy)

Pull ups to max. 
6 negatives (step up to the bar and lower yourself down)

3 sets:
Hammer curls x 8
Skull crushers x 8

Down the rack x 2

Part 2:

10 reps of the following:

  •   Front squat

  •   BB bent over row

  •   Deadlift

  •   AB roll out

    Rest 30 sec to 1 minute

    Repeat three to five times 

    Part 3:



    Try the new video or if that's too complicated try this;

    3 rounds. 

    Banana rock x 40

    Wide knees x 30

    Knees to elbows x 10

    Still shots from the video:

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Fitness Testing

Testing for 87 Station today.

We may try and fit in another station,but it will be dependant on the plan the officers already have in place.

Next shift we will test the remaining stations.

Flip back a couple of shifts and we had a workout that was similar to the testing day. If you'd like to "practice" that would be the best opportunity.

If you'd like a regular workout, pick one of your favourites. We will get back to programming in a couple of shifts.



Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Dec 5 2013

Fitness Testing later today. 

Part 1
Squats: remember your alternatives… with a bar, with DB's, Air.
2 sets, 8-10 reps. Low weight if you haven't done this in a while.
Deads: remember your alternatives… ham curls on ball, TRX ham curls.
2 sets, 8-10 reps. Low weight if you haven't done this in a while.

Part 2
Box Jumps x 25

Part 3
Bench Press with DB's
2 sets, 8-10 reps
Pec Flys with DB's
2 sets, 8-10 reps

Part 4
Pop Pushups x 20

Part 5
Hammer Curls
2 sets x 8-10
Bicep Curls
2 sets x 8-10

Part 6
Bicep Pull ups -max, then do 5 more

Tabata on Bike.

Core…. see video. -Credit to Chris Wilson from www.criticalbench.com