Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Pyramid.... with an update

Warm up, Pre-hab.

# of Reps; 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1

Between each round, complete one sled pull (50 meters, 3-4 plates) -can be push or pull, you have 3 options to work with now. No need to wait in line! -Yes, 10 sled pulls.

OR if you found last week to be too much for sled pulls, switch out every second sled pull for a session on the battle ropes (10 sec. alt/10 sec. double)

Set up the timer and make sure each round gets faster. If you use "Timer 1" it will count up to 45 minutes and then start over. More Timer instructions will be posted soon, a word document is on the shared drive if you are interested now.
  • Pull-ups
  • Burpees
  • Squats  -depending on your comfort and experience, squat with a bar, DB's, a med ball, or an air squat
  • Hamstring Curls on Ball (one leg for increased difficulty) -for those who are comfortable and experienced, replace this with a Deadlift -set your weight to allow you to perform the # reps per round. FORM is key... if you're not comfortable with Deadlifts or are inexperienced, complete curls 
  • Push ups with instability -add a form of instability: feet in TRX, hands in TRX, Hands on Bosu with Round side down -there are now 2 TRX's and 2 Bosu's per hall. Again, no lines.
  • Inverted Row -under the bar, in the TRX, or if you prefer a row on the bench
  • Wall Ball -with the new balls that have come in, make sure that nothing marks the interior walls if that is where you choose to do your wall balls -also make sure the Leather balls aren't damaged by the concrete/brick if you are outside.

Finish with the so-called Polnick Plank Special:
7 rounds: 50 seconds per plank; 10 seconds between each.

Hydrate, cool down, stretch.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

It will be here.... -Updated!

Warm up/Pre-hab as usual.

-Make sure some running or cycling is part of this at the end as we will be working some anaerobic today with some strength focus at the end.

Battle ropes & Box outside
Training BA on the apparatus floor just inside the bay with your masks ready
Sled loaded with x3 45llb plates (use both of them)

Station 1:

-Battle Ropes x 10s alternating waves, x10s double waves
-Run the stairs (x2 for 87)
-Pull ups to MAX
-Box Jumps x 10 -focus on a soft landing, head up, tight core to provide stability throughout.

Repeat this x 3
Pull the sled 50m (ideally back to the apparatus floor)
Don your BA (with no rest), time how long it takes and how much air you consume for your HR to fall below 130bpm.

-keep moving with BA on, don't come to a complete dead stop, allow your body to move and circulate the lactic acid that will accumulate. When your breathing is under control.

Station 2:

Down the rack
Bicycle Abs x 30
5 Point Lunge x 6
Deadbug x 45secs
Pushups or Bench press (your preference) x 8-10 reps (or max pushups)
Wide Knee Abs x 40
Bent over rows x 10/s
Banana Rock x 30
Superman x 10

Repeat x 2 (3 if there's time and you're still keen...)
(4 if you're Clarke)

Cool down....hydrate.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

From the brilliant mind of Aaron Polnick

Warm up 5 minutes

3 rounds of the following:

Box Jumps x 10
Battle Rope Alternating & double arm 30s
Air Squats x 20
Sled Pull 2 plates (run hard and fast 50m)

Wide grip pull-ups x max
1 arm row x 10/side
Bent over row with Olympic Bar x 10
Standing overhead press with Olympic Bar x 10

Push ups x 12
Bench Press x 10
Incline push ups x 12


Polnick Plank Special - Tabata Planks
7 Rounds of 50 seconds on 10 seconds off


Sunday, 19 May 2013


Warm up, Prehab, etc. as normal.

These are again super sets.

3 Sets of each.

•5 point lunge x 5
•Box Jumps x 10
(Put the new box to use... It has three available heights)

•hose tower stairs x 1 @88/89, x2 @87
•Man Makers or Burpees or Pushups x 7 (double for burpees, triple for pushups)

•Split Lunge Jumps x 10/side
•Sled pull x 1

Repeat all exercises one more time.

Core: -cycle through each three times
Hanging Abs or Mountain Climbers x 15 (per side for m.c.)
Knee Drive in TRX (feet in handles) x 15
Plank -60s per side (x 3 sides) x 1

To finish:
Pull ups to Max
Push ups to Max.

Hydrate, stretch. Do it again tomorrow morning! :)

Monday, 13 May 2013

May 14, 2013

In an effort to make the best of our balmy weather, let's get outside where we can!

Warm up/Pre-hab as you normally do. Add onto your normal Pre-Hab at least 5 minutes of running -either on the treadmill or outside, as we will get into things pretty quick....

First... some new equipment. Have a look at the videos posted on the main blog. We will be using the Prowler today, and if you're able, pull the Battle Ropes out to get a look and feel for them... they're coming to a blog near you.

In pairs, you will take turns. If there are three of you, a third station can be added by using the stairs or setting up a farmer carry.

Station 1:
Battle Ropes - Alternating Waves(at 1:30 on the video) x 10 sec; Double Wave x 10 sec; Alternating Waves x 10 sec.
Prowler -Load with x2 45's to start, increase the weight as you find you are able. Focus on technique while pushing for ~50yards. -will work best with the weight distributed evenly
Sled Pull -have the other sled loaded for your return with 4 plates.

(on the next round through the sleds will be in the opposite order, which is fine)

Station 2:
Pushups x 8
Mountain Climber x 8/side
Burpee x 4
Repeat this cycle until Station 1 is available.

Both FF's will go through the above cycle 3 times.

The other pair will do the following 3 times, or until the first group is ready to switch:

Wall Balls x 10
Inverted Row x 10
5 Point Lunge x 5/side
Down the Rack x 2 Rounds back to back (skip this the second time through, the third time, do it again x 2)

Core: For everyone;

Again, cycle through these stations, you will change stations when the person on the TRX is done.

Station 1:
TRX Knee drive x 8 (in plank position with feet in stirrups, maintain a neutral spine and drive knees to chest) -alternative is the knees to elbows hanging from the bar, or crunches on the ball)
TRX Pendulum x 8 per side (in plank position with feet in stirrups, move feet about 4-6 inches to left, then right of midline)
TRX Pike x 4-if capable, in plank position as above, drive hips in the air into a pike position.

Station 2:
Bosu -sitting on edge of Bosu, complete crunches, allowing for extension over  the top of the ball.

Station 3:
Side Plank x 45seconds/side

Station 4:

Complete each station 3 times.

Stretch, hydrate.

Return equipment.... forgot to mention, the new equipment may not be readily visible, at 88 it is in the old medical room, 87 its on the floor with everything else, 89.... you'll have to let me know. But it is there.